Visual Realia is the online presence of Andrew T. Smith, one of only a few professional clay monoprint artists, a grant navigator, and a nonprofit board member in south-central Pennsylvania. Before his visual artist work, he was a 32-year public school music educator. He also curates and runs the Gallery at the Old Post Office in Hanover, PA. Learn more at his online Curriculum Vitae.
Andy has shown his monoprints in solo, group, and juried exhibits throughout Pennsylvania and Maryland. Recent solo clay monoprint exhibits included Gallery @ 227, The Grotto, York’s Out Door Country Club, and the Adams County Arts Council. The collaborative group exhibit, unentitled, was displayed in Gettysburg at the Adams County Arts Council and in York at Marketview Arts.
In September 2024, Andy was one of four leading clay monoprint artists in a large exhibit (58 works) focused on the medium at the Chester County Art Association. His clay monoprint works are an experiment in what is possible, and recently, have explored the clay monoprint as part of mixed media works.
Andy's photography has also appeared in juried shows, and an exhibit of his works was featured in the main gallery of the Adams County Arts Council in February 2016. However, the primary focus of his artworks has now shifted to producing clay monoprints.
For an interactive look at Andy’s background, visit this AI Google NotebookLM. In addition to finding information in various formats, visitors can ask questions in a chatbox at the bottom of the page. Or listen to an AI-created “conversation” style radio program/podcast about Andy below.
Hanover-Adams-York On The Line was established to support the greater Hanover region. News can be followed via the Facebook page.
Culture On The Line, a regional website focusing on people who create, was started in 2022.
Contact Andy Smith via email or the form below. Links to his social media pages are in the bottom corner of each page.
Thanks for visiting!
Visual Realia Studio
ACAC Studio 207
125 South Washington Street
Gettysburg, PA 17325
(717) 451-4181
"Enlightenment" © Andrew Smith
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