Google's 360 Photos are a new way to immerse the viewer into any location. A sphere-shaped image is created and shared in a way where the audience can move around the scene in all directions via a movement of a smartphone, a finer swipe, or mouse movement. On some devices, the user can soon in and out of the scene.
Facebook has now utilized the same technology on Facebook 360 Photos, and the two work together.
Visual Realia (Andrew T. Smith) is now sharing numerous Hanover-area 360 photographs on its associated Inside Hanover Facebook page, and even more are linked from his site's 360s page, which can be found at the top of each page or via a click here.
A 360 photo as it appears in "flattened" form.
It's not possible to view this 360 photo of the Electric Map directly in this web page, but you can view it in interactive form in the Facebook post linked here. They may also be viewed in a web browser visiting Google Maps or in the Google Street View app for iPhone or Android.
Have a Google Cardboard viewer? (If not, you should get one! Quite fun.) Using the viewer in conjunction with the Street View app fields a three dimensional experience that puts the viewer right into the scene.
Check out the Visual Realia 360 photos now!